When can I travel to Japan?
Latest timetable of the prediction of when Japan will open it borders.

I push back the recent reopening date for students and workers to October.
The reasons is because of the extension of State of Emergency.
Japan will extend the State of Emergency
The Japanese government will soon announce an extension of the state of emergency.
The number of new corona infections is skyrocketing, and experts say it is inevitable to extend the state of emergency.
News Resources
"Japan may not lift COVID-19 emergency as planned"
The Japanese people are frightened by the rapidly increasing number of people infected with corona, and there are constant criticisms of the government's inaction.
General election of the House of Representatives
This will have a major impact on the general election of the House of Representatives this fall.
The approval rating of the current Cabinet has fallen below 30%, and it is in a dangerous water area for maintaining the administration.

Therefore, the Suga Cabinet cannot implement policies that may be criticized by the people in anticipation of the election. Moreover, it will never be possible to open the border.
So if the number of new corona infections drops dramatically and the state of emergency is lifted in early September, the Go To Travel campaign which encourage domestic travel will resume sooner and the hurdles to open the border will be significantly lower.
So from now on, changes in vaccination rates and the number of new corona infections will affect the fall general elections.
If the Suga Cabinet wins the general election and the infectious disease situation improves after the election, Japan will move to reopen the border.
New COVID cases and Vaccination Rate

However, the number of newly infected coronaviruses has begun to exceed 20,000 every day, and Japan is in a critical situation.
The only hope would be the highest number of vaccinations in the world and the vaccine penetration rate.

More than 35% of the population has been vaccinated twice. It is expected to exceed 40% at the end of August.
According to the NRI report, if the current number of vaccinations is used, the vaccination rate will exceed 70% in October.
NRI report.
For more information, watch the YouTube video about Japan Travel Ban updates.
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